Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This is up on the top of the hill in the castle ruins overlooking Shkoder.  You can see the mountain range in the back which divides Albania from Montenegro.

This is from the same ruins overlooking the three rivers that flow into the lake on the other side.  The middle of the lake divides Albania from Montenegro.

These are the three members in Shkoder we spoke to in Sacrament meeting.  The bars on the window is where the meeting was held, but the Spirit was strong.  The man in the hat, Brother Zef, is the one going to the temple for the first time.  He is very excited.

This is a cart full of goods attached to a motor scooter.  They go anywhere and park to try to sell their wares.  The group of people in the corner are around another cart willed with used shoes.  You see these quite often.  That is Flat Stanley having his picture taken for Zoey.

This is a picture of Tirana from our balcony.  The colored buildings are on the corner intersection of where we live.  Right down from our balcony you can see the alleyway we walk up to get to our apartment.  Streets are very narrow and very crowded.
(now that I have learned how to do this, I can send some with each blog,  hopefully.)

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